Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Every Life Has a Soundtrack

I can't remember a time that music hasn't played a major role in my life. For me music is like an organizational tool. If I pulled up the file labeled "Moody Blues/Simon&Garfunkel/The Who" it would be filled with my birth-8 years as that was the background music that was mostly being played my parents. "Beatles" would be the file that included all the first albums that I bought myself and those days at recess pretending I was Paul McCartney in elementary school while 3 other friends were John, George and Ringo (I know, I had a strange childhood). The file labeled "Police/Genesis/Rush/Peter Gabriel/Van Halen/Yes..." were my teen years filled with hours in my basement trying to learn how to play all of them. There are files with music from dating and marrying my wife Rhonda, music from the births of my children and even music from my times spent in the hospital.
Countless worship songs, written by others and even those written by me would each have their own file reminding me of my walking with Christ. The moments where I really sensed his presence, the moments that I was desperately reaching for Him, times for rejoicing new birth and what seemed like eternities mourning great loss.
Now I know that I have a heightened sense of awareness of music, but I think that everyone reading this post could connect their lives to songs and musical styles just the same way. But why is that? What is the power that music has to bring remembrance, joy, tears, love and heartbreak? I believe without a doubt that God has created our lives with melody and rhythm built right in. We connect with others, we connect with out times, and we especially connect with God in a most powerful and excellent way. Think of the power that just the right song brings to the middle of a worship service, or when you are surrounded by 75,000 people at a U2 concert, or humming alone to him while reading a passage during a particularly difficult time. Now realize just how easily those songs from those settings transport you back to that place.
Listen to the music around you. Let the songs from each season lift you, remind you, encourage you, and connect you with the God who puts each song in you heart.
So what would some of the song titles be that might be the P-touch labels for the files of your life?

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