Where the broken go
Where do the broken go
The bent, the skewed
Those who have sought and still wait
Ones who still wait to be new
Where do the broken go
Needing relief, un-renewed
Those who have loss and heartbreak
Each day they break anew
Will they find peace
Will they breakdown
Can hope still be found in this earthen town
Where do the hopeless go
The tired, the meek
Those whose minds cannot rest
Each day pushing the boulder to the peak
Where do the hopeless go
Hunger builds, thirst unquenched
They who have tasted life on the street
Ones who have felt useless energy spent
Will they find faith
Will they shut down
When no one feels as deeply as they, can be found
But as the broken come
And as the sick walk in
The hungry can then cease their searching
There is a new beginning
There comes relief
For them He has always been reaching
It is where the broken go
(Don Coppo c 2011)