Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I Will Follow

Although the sight of all of this snow and ice in the trees and the field outside my office window is quite beautiful (even with the shadow of the Aflac Duck in my sill), I must admit that the presence of any wintertime weather makes me want to quickly retreat inside and put on many layers of clothing.  I know this is quite a drag for my kids, especially my son who would like to snowboard, sled or ski at any given moment in the winter months.  The thought of following him or anyone else into the frozen tundra has absolutely no attraction to me.  This is the kind of thing that reminds me that I have limits.  Some limits are upon me because of physical challenges.  But many limits, I must admit are self imposed.  These limits can be good, limits that keep me from burning out quickly in a blaze of glory.  But many keep me, keep you from living out our full potential.  More than that, they keep us from knowing the fullness of God and the deeper things of a relationship with Christ.  If I am unwilling to go out into the snow for a little while, would I have been willing to respond to a call of "follow me and I will make you fishers of men."  
I've loved the song "I Will Follow" by U2 since I was a kid.  But somehow Chris Tomlin's "I Will Follow" has much more meaning for me today:

Where you go, I'll go
Where you stay, I'll stay
When you move, I'll move
I will follow...

All your ways are good
All your ways are sure
I will trust in you alone
Higher than my side
High above my life
I will trust in you alone

Where you go, I'll go
Where you stay, I'll stay
When you move, I'll move
I will follow you
Who you love, I'll love
How you serve I'll serve
If this life I lose, I will follow you
I will follow you

Light unto the world
Light unto my life
I will live for you alone
You're the one I seek
Knowing I will find
All I need in you alone, in you alone

In you there's life everlasting
In you there's freedom for my soul
In you there joy, unending joy
and I will follow